how to write articles quickly using AI tools

How To Make Your Articles Done As Quickly In Minutes

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After you see this question, you may get stunned and wonder how you can write articles quickly in just minutes! But this is the right thing you should know if you are a blogger or freelancer. I’m going to give you stunning tricks to make articles done as quickly as in minutes.

Seemingly, writing blog articles requires you high English level and knowledge about the market niche you choose to write about. Furthermore, hiring a writer on Fiverr or any other gig platforms may cost you much more than the tricks I’m going to mention in this blog post. So, which tricks and tools I have used to make my articles done as quickly in minutes?

Before jumping into details, here are my previous article ( how to write a blog post quickly and properly ) that complete tutorial of this blog post I’m writing it right now.

Writing Article in Minutes

First of all, I want to you open a new post to make things easier and save more time.

In order to make your articles done quickly in minutes, I will show you 3 essential tricks.

1- Generate An Outline For Your Articles

In the first trick, I will show you how you can generate an outline for your articles using the power of AI. By the way, this operation is totally free on ChatGPT. Let us now take a tour and grab of example about a specific topic to define a niche.

For instance, your niche is about making money online and you want to write a blog post about making money online as a student. Open a page on h-supertools and select ”Outline Generators” and write your targeted title like this image example:

Generate An Outline For Your Next Article in Seconds With The Power of AI

The power of AI will generate an outline of your articles in not minutes but just seconds. While if you don’t like the outline, you can click on generate again until finding something you like.

Once you generate a suitable outline for your article, we can go to another trick to follow this tutorial on making articles done as quickly in minutes.

2- Generate a blog of your topic section

In the second trick, you can use the power of AI to generate content ( none copyrighted ) for you. And here there are many free tools for generating a content

Generating content on h-supertools

ChatGPT additionally has the ability to generate content for your articles in seconds.

Generate Blog Sections in Seconds With This Powerful Free AI Content Generator

The best way to use this AI tool is to divide paragraph topics into headings <H2> Tag.

Using the Power of Jasper AI

Jasper AI is a robotic writer driven by cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology that can filter material 5x faster than the typical human copywriter. Talk about ability! With Jasper AI, you get 100% unique work with no plagiarism flags and that is well-written. You will also receive pre-written templates on particular topics.

The only reason this amazing writer tool is not free is that new users are selected to start a free trial for 5 days.

Paraphrasing the content of your articles

The last trick for making articles done as quickly in minutes, you can paraphrase specific content using the power of Quillbot.

QuillBot is a paraphrasing and summarizing tool that has helped millions of students and professionals cut their writing time in half by using the power of AI artificial intelligence to rewrite any phrase, paragraph, or article. And here is an example of using Quillbot for free.

write like a pro with Quillbot

Quillbot also has the power of a grammar checker. Or on the other side, you may use Grammarly App or Trinka AI for free-error English writing.

And before publishing your articles, make certain to use Yaost SEO for optimizing your website!

Bottom Line

To sum this blog post up, making your articles done as quickly in minutes requires only 3 tricks as simple steps to follow in order to begin generating nice content for your audiences. Make sure that all tools I’ve mentioned are basically free to use ad may upgrade for more benefits in the future.

I hope this article was useful to help you succeed in your blogging career. And be sure to ask any questions below in the comment section.

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