Category: Blogger Tutorials

  • How to Get the Best Permanent Backlinks For Free

    How to Get the Best Permanent Backlinks For Free

    Introduction Letting your website get the Best Permanent Backlinks for free is not a common and easy chance. Nevertheless, there are thousands of sites that offer this kind of service. In this article, I will show you how to get the best permanent backlinks for free by following my simple tips. Tip 1: Get MozBar…

  • Is It Affordable to Start a Website in 2024

    Is It Affordable to Start a Website in 2024

    Introduction Today, there are over 1 billion websites online worldwide, and obviously, more than 3 million websites have been created daily. Therefore, do you think it is affordable to start your own website in 2024? In this article, we’re going to talk about the top tips for starting your very own website. Whether you’re creating…

  • 5 Golden Tips to Monetize Your Website

    5 Golden Tips to Monetize Your Website

    Introduction Hello guys! It is 2024 and frankly, I may be surprising you by posting this video since I have published the last video powered by AI. Well, I’m still getting messages from followers about URL issues. To be honest with you guys, I am facing those problems even though my website is up to…

  • Everything You Need to Know About WordPress on DreamHost

    Everything You Need to Know About WordPress on DreamHost

    Introduction When it comes to Web Hosting, the most popular CRM is; WordPress. Customer relationship management (CRM) is a system that organizes all of your business’s interactions and connections with current and potential customers. In general, a fully complete CRM is available with the WordPress CRM Plugin and integrates directly into your WordPress dashboard. It…

  • How to Make your Blog Eligible for Google AdSense

    How to Make your Blog Eligible for Google AdSense

    One of the best ways to make money online quickly is to use Google AdSense on your blog. You will be able to earn per click after displaying ads on your blog. However, many people are unable to do so because Google AdSense does not simply accept it. And the only question here is how…

  • Useful Websites For Blogging That I Wish I Knew Earlier

    Useful Websites For Blogging That I Wish I Knew Earlier

    There are numerous websites available online in addition to my own. However, there are some websites that I wish I had known about earlier that are extremely useful for blogging. So, what exactly are those Useful Websites? The First Useful Website is Blogger In fact, Blogger isn’t as famous a content management system as WordPress…

  • How To Boost Your Website Speed – Up To 100

    How To Boost Your Website Speed – Up To 100

    Previously, my website speed was too slow, which resulted in no impressions or clicks. It was also difficult to see my website in the Google search bar. However, I was able to resolve all of the issues that were slowing down my pages, and it is now boosted and has reached 100 page speed. So,…

  • How To Make A Pro Website On Blogger

    How To Make A Pro Website On Blogger

    Many people look forward to make a professional website, launching an online business, generating traffic, closing sales, and earning money. However, several more people cannot afford to pay monthly recurring web hosting fees. Because when I first started blogging, I couldn’t afford to purchase web hosting to launch my online business. Blogger was my best…